Visa Requirements and Application for Madagascar

Visa Requirements and Application for Madagascar
Is a Visa Required for Madagascar?
Every visitor to Madagascar requires a visa.
The duration of a tourist visa is up to 90 days. The duration of a business visa is up to five years.
For stays of more than 90 days, business visas must be acquired via the Madagascar embassy in the US. Once granted, the visa holder has one month to go to Madagascar and request an extension from the interior ministry of Madagascar.
What Do I Need to Get a Visa for Madagascar?
Tourist visas that cannot be extended are obtained at the airport or online. They may be acquired online as well.
A passport with at least three blank pages and a validity of at least six months from the entrance date is a prerequisite for a Madagascar visa. Depending on the kind of visa and the duration of stay, there may be additional requirements.
Only if the applicant has recently been to a country where yellow fever is prevalent are immunization records necessary. It is highly advised to take additional health measures.
How Can Passport Health Aid Me in My Visa Application?
The travel documents department at Passport Health will guide you through each stage of the visa application procedure and manage the sometimes challenging liaison work with embassies and consulates. To begin your worry-free visa procedure, get in touch with us immediately.
How much do visas for Madagascar cost?
Visa costs are subject to vary at any moment depending on choices made by the government of Madagascar. Service fees, shipping, and other associated expenses are often excluded from fees.
Visas for business begin at roughly $50, while those for tourists average $30 but may reach $50. Cash only payment is required for all on-arrival visas; plan appropriately.
Do I Need a Vaccine to Travel to Madagascar?
If coming from a place where the illness is prevalent, documentation of yellow fever vaccination may be requested. For your journey, typhoid, rabies, and hepatitis A vaccinations may be advised.
American Consulate in Madagascar
Every American traveling to Madagascar should enroll in the Smart Traveler Enrollment Program online.
Antananarivo, Madagascar: U.S. Embassy Lot 207 A, Point Liberty Andranoro – Antehiroka 105 Tel: (+261) 20 23 480 00 [email protected]