The Benefits of Attending The Brescia University College in 2023

The Benefits of Attending The Brescia University College in 2023
In the Italian city of Brescia, there is a private, undergraduate, English-taught college called the Brescia University College (BUC). The BUC was the first American institution to teach English overseas when it opened its doors in 1923. The college has been a place where students may learn about the world via study and research for approximately 80 years. The Brescia University College continues to succeed today by consistently offering top-notch education to students from throughout the world.
Anyone who joins The Brescia University College will be exposed to an international student population that represents their variety as there are more than 10,000 graduates from more than 175 nations. Depending on your topic of study, you may want to think about the compelling arguments below for attending The Brescia University College in 2023.
A private institution with over 2,400 students, Brescia University College (BUC) is located in Brescia, Italy. A noblewoman from Italy created it in 1923 with the intention of providing a top-notch education at a reasonable cost. However, it has since developed into a renowned higher education facility that serves the need of both its students and the neighborhood.
Business management, criminology and law enforcement, education and counselor science, English language and literature, educational psychology, health sciences and social work, criminal justice, and nursing are just a few of the academic fields that BUC offers bachelor’s degree programs in. Graduate degrees are also available from the institution in a number of disciplines, such as counseling psychology and educational administration.
Why should you go Brescia University College to study?
Women choose Brescia University College as their top university. We provide personalized instruction, small class sizes, and reasonable tuition costs. Our up-to-date housing options are situated in a lovely neighborhood and are close to campus.
Currently, we only offer bachelor’s degrees, but in the future we want to add postgraduate programs like master’s degree programs and PhDs to our list of programs.
The overall cost of a term of study at Brescia University College is roughly £7,000 per year. Books and materials are not included in the tuition charge but may be bought separately for about £1,500. Students who live away from home should plan to spend around £2,000 a year on food and lodging.
Getting from home to college may result in increased expenditure on bus passes or transit tickets.
Brescia University College admissions
Students who have finished high school and met the minimal entrance criteria may apply to the Brescia University College.
The application form is available here:, or you may find it on The Brescia University College’s official website.
Exams That the University Accepts
The following exams are accepted by Brescia University College:
Intercollegiate Baccalaureate GED (IB)
Students may learn and develop via their studies at Brescia University College. To take advantage of everything that the institution has to offer, our admissions staff will assist you in selecting the best program for your long-term professional objectives.